I had a great fall.*sob sob* I was rushing to hail a cab to meet mom for our threading session...I suddenly tripped over something and fell on the road surface. Ouch...blood was oozing from the injurt site...my skin was tore by the super rough surface of the road... arrghh..wanted to cry but i was all alone..must be strong and act cool la...i got up...apologize to the taxi uncle that i have to rush home to change my pants.I called mom and told her i will be slightly late..I got changed,hailed a cab and headed to little India to meet mom..showed her my knees and she was shocked.She said it looks scary...hmm...maybe it's the blood that keeps oozing..i cleanse my wound with normal saline and pressed a few gauze over it to give a bit of pressure.What an unlucky day.And i have to start work tomoro...how irritating...!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Fall.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
6:15 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009
Love for Money or Money for Love?
Alhamdulilah my sore throat and rashes have somewhat recovered.sigh~ after so long of being at home i will be back to resume work on wednesday night.Only several more days to my Terengganu trip...sigh~ i'm gonna be broke!spent a bomb on the trip itself..but i don't mind coz' i have always wish for a family trip.I just have to work a bit more harder the following months :(
In the midst of our economic crisis today,i randomly thought that money is very essential...it plays vital role...sometimes i wish i was born to a rich family or be married to a rich husband..but isn't it not as ineresting as my life now coz now i have to work my ass out to get money and try every way possible to save up here and there...? interesting huh? yup...and hell it was tough ok...So,if i already am a rich girl,i would only be at home,wasting my precious time doing manicure,pedicure and whatever i can cure rite..?? lol..boring huh..?
But money is undeniably important as it keeps us going...going and going and going for more...it motivates us to work..work harder..harder and hardest....See what money can make us do huh..?
However,i still have that conventional thinking that money can't buy Love...we can find money but we can never find Love with money...it will stick that way for as long as humans remains as humanly as they are supposed to be...personally, i think money can be worked out...really.I came from a very poor family background to the extend that my dad only has 1 ten cent coin and few 5 cents coins in his pockets when me and bros were like 8-9 year old..we squeezed our tummy for a day just to wait for Dad's payday...we learnt the hard way...but even so,we are so in Love and united as a family...we cry and laugh together...and to me that is the greatest value of life...LOVE
And it is always out of Love for someone that we do something.Especially if it is someone's GENUINE needs.
Love is the ultimate reason for everything i do.Even tho' i have the least of what is wanted most by someone that i love,i would give it all to the someone coz' its just about LOVE.
Just don't give Love a bad name.
Oh you can call me a passionate cum Lovey-Dovey girl~I don't care.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
10:14 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Not too well..
I'm not at a well state to continue on my exercise regime..sigh...I don't want to get Myocarditis if i continue with my regime..I think i need to have a break for now..will resume once i'm recovered..my throat is sore...my neck rash is bad..been bunning up my hair,applying moisturisers,taking Chlopheniramine tablets but still to no avail...Kak Midah asked me to go to the doc to get my Promethazine Jab...hmm..will think of it first..see if its getting any better by tonight...Haiz...
Tomorrow i will be accompanying my cousin sister to the court regarding my cousin bro in law's case...hope she is gonna be fine...and hope everything is gonna be fine.I'm actually thankful that people trusts me alot...even my cousin bro in law trust me alot...i'm only 22 yrs old and yet he says that i'm very matured in thinking and could guide my cousin sister who is like 30 years old??? hmm...i feel so old... whatever it is...i just think that if you do things with an open heart,people will trust and believe in you...Actually,i just sympathized with my niece and nephews..i hope the kids are doing fine...Qistina,Qusyairi,Qarin,Qaiser&Qadri,Auntie Yati will always pray for all of your well-being k...pls study hard and be a respectable person when you grow up.Insya Allah.Amin~
I will be resuming work on Wednesday.Woah..its been long..! I miss all my cute patients! I hope all of you are back home,well,healthy and happy...Sometimes i feel like i want to have a kid all for myself...i yearn for that feeling...can i adopt?? hehe...at least i wont feel lonely..i have baby crying,baby giggling,baby talking etc..all at the comfort of my own house...hmm..but my parents will not like the idea... they said that why must i adopt if i can have my own kids and build a family??? haiz...they don't know that Love is complicated and hurtful nowadays...adopting a kid is a bypass to all the problems of relationship...hehehe! I want to escape i think...yes,it is scary esp if you've been hurt so badly by ur past...but actually...to think of it...i'm thankful i have bad experiences in my past coz' it makes me a better person today...but the fear of getting hurt again is undeniably strong still...coz u know how painful it is. haha ok..i think i'm so random in my post here....this is the cause of being drowsy after i took my Chlopheniramine tablets..hehe..i better go before i blabber further.. Gd Day peeps...!
Posted by
Nur Hayati
2:42 PM
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I cherish moments with you.
I have so many updates to post...Gosh..its only 2 or 3 days of break from blogging and i'm having so many updates lor.Ok ok...First & foremost...I finally went night fishing with Zan... :) so so fun and i'm all smiles. I truly enjoyed myself and learnt quite a number of stuffs on fishing from my fishing mentor himself,Zan. :) And i miss him so much...when i finally got to see him,I was like....arrgghh...I want to hug u so much!!!! But i hold back and don't want to give him the impression that i don understand him in wanting us to just be friends first... haiz..life is tough...Niways,not so lucky during first few hours of fishing but at about 12am..the fish keeps on hooking to Zan's bait...so exciting!!!! In total he caught 5 fish!! I caught nothing :( but Zan being as sweet as he always is,gives me 2 big fish to bring home!! sweet right? :) Bring home and showed mom.Mom was happy to see the big fish and asked me to thank Zan personally :) And did i tell you that Zan has good voice...he sang Seribu Tahun and i have it recorded.I watch the video whenever I feel like i miss him so much :( it's hard missing and loving a friend you know.... :( In summary,it was a wonderful night.Will upload the photos after i get permission from Zan ok.
And today,is Bestie's Bday.I just got home from the Bar and I couldn't sleep coz I miss him..so here i am blogging and listening to his voice :) Anyways,we had Seoul Garden for dinner and head down Clarke Quay to chill at the bar.Not into all this Bar thingy coz I don touch alcohol and the only thing i can drink is fruit punch and coke..coke?? I don't take fizzy drinks..and so i had fruit punch and i was really restless throughout coz' my neck got a bad rash.I head back home early.I hope bestie enjoyed herself.Happy Bday to you Bestie.I Love you always.I will upload photos soon.
Now...im washed and cleaned and on my bed with my lappy.I thought i wanna hear his voice before i sleep but poor thing he is already asleep.I put lotion on my neck and popped in 2 tablets of Chlopheniramine.I hope my rash is goona be better when i woke up later.Good Night everyone.It is now 4am 28 March 2009.
P.S. I Love you,I Miss you but I understand you.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
12:04 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hungry but Wary.
Its already 3:45am.I went to bed at about 1:30am with the hope of falling asleep as soon as i put my head on the pillow.But it seems that i can't.I don't even know the reason why.I woke up and drink a glass of water.Switched on my room's TV and watch MIO TV.Not so interesting programmes on it.Switched off and here i am blogging. Oh geez...I have too much sleep in my Annual Leave i guess.But not true also coz' i always sleep late and wakes up early.What is on my mind really..???
yes..i miss him...but i could sleep the other night though i know i miss him...so what could be the reason why i can't sleep..??? oh yes finally...i'm hungry!!! lol...damn my tummy is growling..i only ate apple for dinner on the hope that i could kickstart my diet regime. And so I get up and ate Mee soto without the Mee just to make me feel better...only eat the soup and chicken lor.
Arrhh..now i feel good and nice..I can sleep peacefully...before i sleep....i'm gonna do 50 crunches just to make myself feel better....haha..i am paranoid...i know..but i don't care..i damn need to lose weight..! I miss being lighter as i was 2 years ago...i'm so not gonna binge again just becoz of a guy or a failed relationship.Enuf is enuf.I so Love myself ok.Working out to turn me into this picture:
Posted by
Nur Hayati
12:11 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009
A New Me.
In the midst of seeking inner peace within me,I realizes and learnt something about myself that i wish to improve on.My over-sensitive feelings and insecurities. I think that no one can ever tolerate for long if i myself never want to try to improve on it.I try to put myself in the other party 's shoes and realizes that it is freakin' irritating to have a partner like me.Haha..really.I realized.It is ok to be sensitive on selective issues but on some issues like Love,Love is just too strong for anything else esecially my sensitivity and insecurities.
I want to be a new,improved me.I want to be more rational and a positive thinker in overall.I will not let my past experience haunt my present and assume that everyone is the same.I want to learn more about people and analyze them at my own pace of thinking.I want to be confident of my own self and let go of my insecurities.I can still be sensitive but not overly-sensitive.And yes,when i am slowly improving myself with time,Insya Allah Love will come by naturally and with a bonus point that i'm a better person with time.Then only,Love can be a lifetime for me..Insya Allah.
P.S. I want to seek inner peace at a continuous rate :)
Posted by
Nur Hayati
12:46 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Inner peace.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
12:18 AM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Missing you.
I'm really missing him..Everytime I feel like talking to him either by MSN or SMS i take a step back coz' i'm well aware of where i stand..and afraid that i might be such an irritating pest to him...I think the best now is for me to just do my own things...if he really needs me or still Loves me he will for sure show some initiative....if he doesn't,I should just try my best to put the Love away...Don't want to be hurt further...or perhaps don't want to risk my heart and hurt it again and again...
Well,my annual leave is here...gonna be spending most of my time at home...I want to stay in the comfort of my nestling...
Posted by
Nur Hayati
5:50 AM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Recovering from Migraine and Flu.
Migraine,Flu has been with me for the past days.
But Alhamdulilah i'm recovering from it after i took some medicines prescribed by my workplace Doctor.
I hate to fall sick coz' it makes me feel weak and down.
And when i feel down i would shut myself away from the outside world.
The only thing that will help me update on the outside world is only when i go to work.
And oh yes,
bout' me and Zan.We are just friends alrite.That is what he wants and thinks that its the best.
I thought so too.
And as days goes by i could see that he is not suitable for me coz' i admit that i'm a person who is very sensitive and insecure and it would be hard for him to be with someone like me.Well, i regret saying to him in the first place that i don't mind him having lots of friends coz' I tot its just casual frens.But as days progresses i find that he got loads of girlfrens and is quite ''manja'' with him.I truly am not comfortable with that.
At the end of the day,the root cause is that we don't know each other much.
Lucky thing we stopped quickly.
It was hard for me initially to let him go coz' i have strong feelings for him but i'm glad i finally did.
He told me he Loves me still.
but i think it will fade off with time by looking at the distance we have bewteen us now.
Yes,I am heartbroken.
But I learnt from it.
Apart from that,I have two more night shifts before I'm having my Annual Leave for one week.
Yeay yeay...! got loads of things to do.Tidy up my messy room,ketchup on my Class 3 license etc.
It's gonna be a fun week.
And then,
Work for few days before I am off to Terengganu on the early April.
Beloved Cuzzies,we shall be reunited soon!
Let's have loads of fun!
I want to get things off my mind!
Posted by
Nur Hayati
10:13 PM
Recovering From Flu and Migraine.
igraine,Flu has been with me for the past days.
But Alhamdulilah i'm recovering from it after i took some medicines prescribed by my workplace Doctor.
I hate to fall sick coz' it makes me feel weak and down.
And when i feel down i would shut myself away from the outside world.
The only thing that will help me update on the outside world is only when i go to work.
And oh yes,
bout' me and Zan.We are just friends alrite.That is what he wants and thinks that its the best.
I thought so too.
And as days goes by i could see that he is not suitable for me coz' i admit that i'm a person who is very sensitive and insecure and it would be hard for him to be with someone like me.Well, i regret saying to him in the first place that i don't mind him having lots of friends coz' I tot its just casual frens.But as days progresses i find that he got loads of girlfrens and is quite ''manja'' with him.I truly am not comfortable with that.
At the end of the day,the root cause is that we don't know each other much.
Lucky thing we stopped quickly.
It was hard for me initially to let him go coz' i have strong feelings for him but i'm glad i finally did.
He told me he Loves me still.
but i think it will fade off with time by looking at the distance we have bewteen us now.
Yes,I am heartbroken.
But I learnt from it.
Apart from that,I have two more night shifts before I'm having my Annual Leave for one week.
Yeay yeay...! got loads of things to do.Tidy up my messy room,ketchup on my Class 3 license etc.
It's gonna be a fun week.
And then,
Work for few days before I am off to Terengganu on the early April.
Beloved Cuzzies,we shall be reunited soon!
Let's have loads of fun!
I want to get things off my mind!
Posted by
Nur Hayati
6:51 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Don't let it get me.
I really don't know what has happened to my internal emotions.
It feels weird.
One point I feel so happy and one point I feel so depressed.
And that is what happened between me and Zan (The guy i recently fall for).
We were very happy for first few days of the relationship but the insecurities in me had to spoil everything.
My insecurities which is also equals to my fear, made and triggers my thoughts to resort to negativity.
I hate being insecure.I really do.
That night my high school bestie nudge me in MSN and asked me if am ok.
She said she knows how it feels coz she had been tru' what i have been tru'.
She told me that it is just normal for me to feel insecure coz' of the failures in my past relationship but it should not have control over me.
I must have control over it.
Throughout the conversation she also told me about her past relationship and how it failed becoz' of her insecurities she used to have.
Now,she is more open and accepting of certain things and she admits that her present relationship is so much more happier and fun.
Guys are guys.They will surely have a lot of girl friends but at the end of the day,there is only this one special girl they truly Love.
IF...our partner can't reassure us...we should try reassuring ourself...it will really help.
And i know myself that i'm a person who needs constant reassurance.
I don't know now if Zan will Love me like before after what I have caused to the relationship,
I don't blame him if the Love fades away.I deserve that.
Even though I truly feel hurt that we are only friends now,
At the very least,I learnt something about myself.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
2:56 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
Falling into you.
It has been crazy for the past week.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
1:25 PM