I was nudged by Suzanne in MSN again...
I thank god that i was not meant for him...
Utterly disgusted by him...
In Summary-heartbreaker.
But yeah...its the past...and i believe in KARMA too.
Forgotten about it too.
I have got no time to think about it too..
not worthy.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Posted by
Nur Hayati
10:38 PM
Lots of things happened.
-Allahyarhamha nenek is resting peacefully now...
-I feel so happy and blessed to be able to meet the most beautiful person in my life-Muhaimin
-2 of my colleagues got engaged at the same day and time ...
-i'm getting fatter aka happier-but i freaking needs to lose weight coz Lovey is not so tall in height..hehe!
-planning for a short vacation to Bandung with my couple in crime... ;)
-Some freaking woman aka Suzanne(someone's EX!) msn me -i freaking dunno for whatever reason..?? wth?lucky thing i was in a movie with love and didnt reply to her msgs..Freako.
blah blah blah.......etc etc...
didn't know 2010 will be an eventful year....still more to come :)
Posted by
Nur Hayati
2:26 AM