Did i tell you my roster sucks?
Yes it sucks.
I have no life.
I'm officially a workhaholic!
Damn my supervisor.
Doesn't mean i'm a single lady i have all the time only for work lor...
I have frens and family too ok..
Thankfully i'm smart enough to try find sometime to be as close as possible with my family...
But seriously,I have no time left for frens...so sad.
I'm waiting for my leave in August.Hopefully I could ketchup with them.Miss them loads.
And I have recovered from my Flu.Thank god.
Back to work!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Posted by
Nur Hayati
5:11 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Flu-ing away.
I am down with flu.
Feeling very very weak but i didn't wanna take MC.
Reason being i don't want to make my IDIOT supervisor change my shift from 2 shifts to 3 shifts.
Every of my day shifts for the past days was hell hectic...
But syukur alhamdulilah that i am able to complete my tasks properly even tho' at times I just feel like giving up and go home...haiz..
I just hate superiors who are bias!!!
Everyday for the past days,I just went home straight and fall on my bed til' the next morning when i'm due for my next day shift...What a life...!
Did i told you that Zal called me the other day coz' he says he tot of me when he was watching video of the Malaysian Singer,Ella..? It reminded him of me...I was like ..what the heck?? or is it you just call me just to have good relation with me and then you can slowly tk advantage of me and hurt me again and again?? Get lost!I already told you that treat as if I'm dead..I hate myself for being too nice to him...I still can talk to him like there's nothing wrong...*slapsmyhead* But seriously I have no more feelings for that jerk!
Even tho' Mus took advantage of me financially..at the very least he treats me well...he cares for me and even tho' I have made it clear to him that i wanted to end things off with him,he still calls me every other day to check on me and make sure i'm alright...
Haiz...some people just treat-'' hurting others'' as their hobby I guess...
P.S. I notice that the more I try to get away from all these guys and forget about Love at the moment,the more these guys is trying to cum back to me.....fortunately,I am stronger than yesterday... :)
Imma keepon being a workhaholic...and keepon givin me love to ma family and loved ones.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
2:57 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Apologies to Someone .
Actually it wasn't him who didn't acknowledge my Birthday wish ..
it is just the crappy MSN..
So sorry bout my last post...
It's my bad.
P.S. I think i'm falling sick..my throat feels sore and my nose is starting to run....tsk tsk..
Posted by
Nur Hayati
5:33 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
All about May.
Wow..it's been long since i last posted.Work has kept me busy and i am not complaining.I am just hating the fact that i am working here and not somewhere else.I'm still pressing on til' next year June...Pls make the time move faster!
Anyways Shoutout to all May Babies!
Someone(13 May),Mus(14 May), Kak Wati (14 May),Kak Midah (26 May).
Happy Birthday to you all..I have already wish ya'll personally but someone just wouldn't even acknowledge it..hmm dunno if he got it or not..well watever la..No worries and cheers!
Mr Mus is as usual missing me and going missing always..hahah!!Oh boy,you are already 3o this year! hahah!
I had a girl's night out with Kak Wati (cuzzin) on the night of her Birthday.Just the two of us.I'm glad she is happy.
And as for my Kak Midah aka My Kuku..still thinking of what i should get for her... hmmm...
That's all about Birthday stuffs.
P.S. I'm having a pimple breakout....help!!!
Posted by
Nur Hayati
5:47 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'm focused.
I feel so much calmer nowadays.Never think about people who don't deserve to be thought about.Never bothers about others who won't appreciate.And for sure...I am not looking for Love now...Coz' when you seek for it,you'll bump into the wrong ones..True Love comes by without having to be searched for...
I am glad and thankful to god for giving me the chance to change my life before it is too late...I feel more focused with my life and for sure i know where i am leading my life to now...Syukur Alhamdulilah...
And the people who have been so caring about me is my Elder Bro,Mom & Dad...plus my Kak Midah(close colleague) & my close cuzzin...from now on,these people should have my ultimate attention and Love...
To all my guy frens or girl frens out there...I'm sorry if I have not been answering your calls or ignored your msgs..I am trying to be more focused in my life for now...Hope you guys understand.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
9:38 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day.
A very Happy Mother's Day to all mommys wherever you are.You all have been great!
you are the Love of my life...no love is as pure and sincere as your Love.I can never thank you enough for all the sacrifices you've made all these years.You are Extremely-Strong,Undeniably-Loving,Unbelievably-patient,SuperDuper-responsible,Incredibly-polite and surely-Sweet!!No words could describe you actually.You are my Superwoman...I love you,Mom.You've been doing great in taking care of me & Bros...We all Love you..*hugs & Kisses*
P.S. I hope you like the mini humble celebration we had just for you.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
7:11 PM
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Uninvited.
Me and my girl colleagues went to catch a movie.We saw ''The Uninvited.'' We initially wanted to watch the Wolverine(aka my boyfie)haha..but one of my colleague already watch it and so we went from Plaza Sing to Woodlands to catch The Uninvited.We bought the 2330hrs movie tixs.It's been so long since I got a chance to go out with my girls..miss them so much...! I'm sorry I was too busy giving my attention to certain people who don't deserve it! I'm back to who I am now...That Sweet girlfren that you all Love....*hugs*
Well well well....the movie is good.Good story twist.And I think I let out a loud scream in one of the scene...Geez ...my heart almost got out from my jaw ok!!haha...not that horrifying but good storyline.I rate it 7/10.
P.S. We gonna have a movie marathon on Tuesday...yeay!!I
Posted by
Nur Hayati
10:17 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Early Morning happenings.
The Condominium Security Guard Mats is not bad-looking eh..?? Smile so sweetly at me and ask for my contact no. sumore! And bonus point is He calls me Ma'am....!!! hahahahha!!Cute kan?? lol...But whatever la...I just find you cute lor but i'm not interested in anything more than that..I'm Single but not interested....hahah!
Then when I took the cab,this Chinese cum Malay-fluent speaking Uncle(he is 50 years old) chatted with me throughout the whole journey..So fluent la his malay...he says he like Malay ladies...and I caught him looking at me from the front mirror...I was not wrong to think negatively of him ok...he handed me his number and ask me to call him whenever I am free and he knows that i am only like 23 years old lor!! ...Oh my god..U want to be my sugar daddy isit?? hmm maybe you can be my chauffeur instead..?? hahaha...
Typical guys...*yawns*
Posted by
Nur Hayati
6:04 AM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Towards a brighter light.
Your Love is confusing me.What is Love to you? You can say Love to anybody like you saying hello...It is really disappointing when someone give Love such a bad name...saying Love to one person and then Love to another person at the same time...?? I don't understand that kind of Love.
Many not-so-nice stuffs has been happening to me.Incident report at work,another fall on the road,got cheated by taxi driver and its all because my mind is not focused! I was too distracted with so many things up in my head.And one of it is Love.
Mom advices me to try forget Love matters for now coz' she feels that it is one major mess up in my head that had caused me to be out of my focus.Mom was really disappointed that I kept getting to know people but it doesnt stays long and truthful.I told mom that ever since I ended things with Someone i have tried my very best to open up my heart but it always fail.I got myself hurt ample times.Mom even told me that deep inside her she could sense that i'm was trying so hard to wipe Someoneout of my mind while trying to get to know new people.And she even told me that until now,she can never sense sincerity in the guys i know compare with Someone & Sham...To her,Someone & Sham are sincere people and their Love was true.She also could see the happiness in my eyes when I was with Someone,she told me I was full of spirit,serene-looking and always wears a smile on my face...And of course hearing all that i just teared...''we are not meant to be..''I said.... And plus they are now happily getting married with the ones made for them...i'm just thankful that I got a chance to know someone like them.
I realized that I have already moved on from Someone but its just that I have failed to stop and think for a moment as I was too eager to move on from the painful past.I just keeps on getting to know people,opens up my heart easily and gets hurt frequently.I was as sincere as can be to all the guys that I fall for but most of them isn't as sincere and some even took advantage of my kindness.Why can't I just remain all by myself and seek inner peace within myself? I think the answer is-I was too afraid to be alone....it is very scary to be alone.I still vividly remembers how my life was just after i ended things with Someone.It is a scary loneliness-so empty.
But now,Loneliness is not so scary anymore coz i have overcome it.Rather than I keep getting hurt,I rather be alone and be focused with my life esp. my career.No more social networking website like Tagged or whatever-Facebook is acceptable for reasons like colleagues and friends.
I will follow what mom has said-To be more focused in my work and life.Getting rid of all the distractions which is not worthwhile.I want to be a better daughter,sister,colleague and friend to everyone around me.
I'm dead serious.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
3:43 AM
Monday, May 4, 2009
Life's like that.
People change.Everybody's changing.Only the true ones don't and will remain.Therefore,if you are neglected or feels that you are given cold shoulder by anyone,just take a deep breath and tell yourself-you are glad you are not like them.
Slowly move away from them coz' u don't want yourself to be the unwanted props in the scene.Although disappointing,it is at the same time fulfilling.They don't deserve you in the first place and it is their loss.And as for you,you have lesser people to take care of. One day they will realize and only then it is too late for them.This is life.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
12:22 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Not My Day.
It was not a good night.It started with having to see my manager's face.Then I know my assignments is gonna be tough coz' she basically hates me so much.Expected.Everyone has 1 patient to nurse except me.I have 2 patients to nurse.One is intubated,with EVD and stuffs and the other is this spoilt bratl who is super-annoying and irrtating! I feel like slapping her bloody face!I am always known to be very patient and loving towards kids but not this timel!Then,I have to pass over to this senior staff nurse who is very strict.I unluckily overlook my 2am oral medicines and didn't administer it.She reported straight to my superior.Expected.Incident report.Wrote quickly and handover to my superior.Luckily my this particular superior is a very nice person.My foul luck doesn't end there.After work i decided to treat my whole family at home with Macdonald's Breakfast.Bought 5 sets of breakfast and hail a cab home.While I was carrying the loads of food,I got up from the cab and wanted to alight.I then tripped and fell on my knees.Oh god..I feel like crying but I hold it back...these are just minor obstacles of my life journey.Insya Allah,tomorrow will be a better day.
Posted by
Nur Hayati
5:43 AM