Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's getting on me.

Apologies to everyone who has been trying so hard to get me.
I was really busy with work...
I didn't even pay much attention to my hp,sms or emails.
I was practically living in my own world...
Sometimes i just feel so impatient to wait til' next year June...haiz..
I wish i was not bonded...
I really don't want to work at this present place for long..
Not a healthy place to work in...
Bias,cruel assumptions,backstabbers,irritating nag-gers etc.

I really hope i can work in Dubai/Abu Dhabi after i end my bond next June
I really want to....
Plus i just need to be away from Singapore for sometime...
I am sorta upset and disappointed with the people here...
not everyone but some people...
And also coz' i wanna achieve something there...
Something i can be happy and satisfied with...
But i am really thankful that i have my bestfren,close frens,colleagues,cuzzins and beloved family to keep me going...
And especially my beloved parents....

both of them have given me alot of support in every aspect of my life...
I can never describe how much grateful i am...
I may be the most independent child/daughter both of you can ever have...
but i definitely know that both of you loves me so so much as much as you love Abang and Elmi...
I really hope both of you can allow me to go work in Dubai.Insya Allah.
P.S. I realize that as we grow older and as we face new challenges in life,we tend to change our expectations and dreams as we less expected it...I never thought I will be much interested to work overseas 5 years back....its different now.

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